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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

Board of Governors 2024 -2028


Mrs Fiona Mc Anespie   (Chair)                  Trustee
Mrs Cecilia McMahon    (Vice -Chair)          Trustee
Rev. Fr. Stephen McBrearty                       Trustee   
Mr. Ciaran McCollum                                 Trustee
Mrs Toireasa Orr                                      Teacher Rep
Mrs Jan Houston                                      DENI Rep
Mrs Heather Jennings                               Education Authority Rep
Mrs Oonagh McEvoy                                 Education Authority Rep                     
 Mrs Sheena Ferguson                                  Parent Rep 



The Role of the School Governor

Every school is managed by a Board of Governors. They work with the school principal to meet the educational needs of the school pupils in a secure and safe environment.

The Board of Governors includes:

  • members representing the owners of the school - Parish Trustee.
  • parents and teachers who are elected by the parents and teachers associated with the school.
  • members of the general public with an interest in education appointed by the Department of Education or the Education Authority (EA) in your region - DENI & EA reps

What school governors do

The role of the Board of Governors is to make sure that the school provides pupils with a good education. The Board of Governors, work alongside the leadership team in the school to set the goals over the period of the School Development Plan:

  • sets the school's plans and policies.
  • employs the school staff- they sit on interview panels.
  • manages how the school spends its  budget.
  • they support the Principal in delivering school improvement plans.

A governor is appointed in a voluntary unpaid capacity for four years. They can resign at any time. The Board of Governors meets as often as its business requires, usually  3-4 times at full board level.

The Board of Governors has members with different skills, knowledge and experience. The business of the school is progressed by the whole Board of Governors working together in the best interests of the school children.

Every governor is expected to contribute to the conduct of school business and every governor can expect to learn something new.