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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood
P1 Enrolment for Sept 2025 - Open Morning on Wednesday 15th January @9.30am. Everyone is very welcome.
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Celebrating Catholic Schools Week - January 2022

18th Jan 2022

Dear Parents, 

Our school will celebrate Catholic Schools week, from Monday 24th - Friday 28th January. This year, the theme is Living Life to the Full..

Monday 24th - Living Life to the Full with God. Each of us are unique , we have our own gifts and talents. We rae made to love and receive love and today gives us the chance to celebrate this.

Tuesday 25th- Living life to the Full Together. P7 pupils will attend Mass @9:30am. Parents are very welcome to attend. We learn many things in school. We learn how to be a good friend and how to be helpful and kind. We learn to treat others as you would like to be treated.

Wednesday 26th - Celebrating Being Together Again- Celebrating being with our Grandparents. P3 & P4 Pupils will attend Mass @ 9:30 am and Grandparents are very welcome to attend.we think of our Grandparents. They can bevery important teachers who show us show to love, how to be caring and how to share. They can teach us about the past and about the importance of workingg hard and doing our very best. We thank God for our grandparents and celebrate their contribution to our lives 

Thursday 27th -Living Life in Wonder & Awe - We are asked to think about living iur lives in wonder and awe. The world is a precious place. We are called to remember that we are responsible for keeping the environment a safe and beuatiful place to live in. In our school. we use our gifts and talent sto make the world a better place. 

Friday 28th - Living life and Facing the Future - As catholic Schools week comes to an end, we look to the future with renewed hope. We rember the changes and challenges that the Covid -19 pandemic brought to our lives. Together, as a parish and school, that is kind and cares for each other, we llok to the future with hope and joy of the resurrection.

Unfortuantely, we are unable to invite grandparents into school due to Covid restrictions but we are moving towards an improved level of interactions.

Best wishes 

C O'Neill