Friendship Award 27th January
We had a lovely school assembly on Friday 27th. Mr. O'Neill spoke to the children about being good friends. The children give lots of fab examples of how to make friends with everyone in school, especially new pupils who have started in St.Patricks. The pupils realised that it can be difficult being a new starter and we all agreed to look out for everyone at playtime.
We thought that we should always talk to an adult or our class council members for help, in school or our parents at home.
Mr O'Neill presented the Friendship Certificates to the worthy winners and there awards reflecte don the caring and sharing ethos we have in school.
Mrs Orr presented the Digital Leader badge sto the P7 pupils who will take on ICT support in school.
Finally, Carter wa scongratulated for winning Choir member for last half term. The trophy has been recently refurished and is looking well. Great work Carter.
Well done to all the children who were awarded a Friendship Certificate. You are wonderful role models!
St Patrick's Primary School, Church View, Holywood BT18 9LN
Phone: 028 9042 4772