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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

Further update on COVID 19 and its impact on school

15th Mar 2020

Dear Parents,

In light of the constantly changing situation regarding Covid 19, please be reassured that the school will continue to make decisions in the best interests of our school ,our school families and our staff.

Inevitably , school will close  and the length of time suggested in the media , would indicate that it will be for an extended period. 

To date , there has been no confirmation from DENI.

TO CONTINUE TO PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY- the following actions will be put in place 

1. All whole school gatherings are cancelled e.g concerts ,assemblies.

2. All external visits are cancelled e.g Shared Education, educational visits.

3. All external adults visitors will be offered the opportunity to withdraw their services e.g after school clubs and music tuition .

4. We would ask parents to impose self isolation ,if they or their children ,show any signs of flu symptoms. 

5. We would ask parents to minimise social contact at 2pm and 3pm ,by social distancing.

Please  remember that children have the lowest levels of infection of the general population.

Some families with underlying health issues may decide to self -isolate for their own peace of mind. This is entirely understandable.

The teaching staff will prepare some work for their classes, but this is more difficult for P1 ,2 and 3 classes due to the nature of their learning.

These are unprecedented times.

Keep safe.
