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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

Internet Safety Assembly

14th Feb 2020

As it was Internet Safety week in St Patrick's, P6/7 taught us about how to stay safe when we are online. They taught us about the SMART rules and what to do if we ever feel unsafe when we are using the internet. Remember the SMART rules:

S – Keep your personal information safe and secure.

M – Do not agree to meet anyone you meet on the internet – they may not be who you think they are.

A – Do not accept any e-mails or messages from people you don’t know. 

R – Remember, do not always rely on information that you find on the internet.  It may not be correct.

T – Finally, if something upsets you when you are on the internet, always TELL an adult, whether you are in school or at home. 

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day and all classes in St Patrick's explored how to make sensible choices when using the internet or playing games online.  There are some resources and Top Tips for parents on the Safer Internet website.

Finally, a big congratulations to those children who received a friendship certificate today!