One year on...
Dear Parents,
One year ago, the school closed for St.Patrick's day and didn't reopen due to the Covid pandemic. Thankfully as a school community, we have remained Covid free (touch wood) due to the diligence of our staff, pupils and parents.
I would like to thank everyone for the tremendous commitment, they have shown towards the Covid restrictions in and around school grounds. However, in the past few days,the Ards & North Down Council area has experienced a substantial rise in Covid cases and Holywood has had a higher infection rate than any other area.
As we return to a full return to school on Monday 22nd, I would ask everyone to remember and adhere to the following restrictions:-
1.Please ensure that you maintain an appropriate 2m social distance between parents around the school grounds, at all times.
2.Follow the guidance to wear a face –mask on school grounds, at all times.
3.Drop off & Pick up times are not occasions for socialising- no-one should be on school grounds for 15 minutes - in the morning.
4. 8:45 amstarting time - Children should not be in their line before 8:35 for the 8:45 start time.
5. 9:00 am staring time - Children should not be in their line before 8:50 for the 9:00 start time.
6. There shouldn't be an overlap of pupils, if everyone keeps to the schedule.
These restrictions have all contributed to school remaining open and covid free.
Thank you for your continued support. C O'Neill
St Patrick's Primary School, Church View, Holywood BT18 9LN
Phone: 028 9042 4772