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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

Positive Covid Case

16th Apr 2021

Dear Parents, 

Unfortunately, there has been a further covid case in school.

Please note: that your child should not be in school if they show any symptoms of Covid.

PHA are now advising that 

  1. Sore throat 
  2. Nausea, vomiting or stomach pains
  3. Tiredness
  4. Headache are all possible indicators of Covid in children, alongside a high temperature and continuous cough.

Please note: that your child should not be in school, if a family member is waiting on a Covid test result.

They should begin to isolate, while waiting on the result. All pupils asked to isolate should immediately book a PCR Covid test online.

Why are classes asked to isolate?

A class is required to isolate as they are deemed to be a close contact of the person with the Covid positive result. (Determined by- within 2m for more than 15 mins or a cumulative 15mins. Have had skin to skin contact, been coughed on, traveled in a car /bus together.)   

School Guidelines

As we move towards a relaxation of covid rules in society, the school community will continue to follow the guidelines as previously stated:-

2m space, masks on school grounds & no congregrating at entrances/ exits.

I would encourage everyone to follow these  regulations.


In this respect, I would remind everyone that you should continue to inform me of any positive covid  cases  send an email to will ensure track and trace services can be informed, accordingly.

C O'Neill