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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood
P1 Enrolment for Sept 2025 - Open Morning on Wednesday 15th January @9.30am. Everyone is very welcome.
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Remote Learning Teacher Support Services during Covid restrictions

10th Sep 2020

Remote Learning Teacher Support Services during Covid restrictions from w/b 7th Sept.

The following procedures for Remote Learning Support Services are now operational and will be offered to two specific groups of pupils and their families.

1.Pupils who are absent from school due to an underlying Covid-19 related vulnerabilities and have had a Risk Assessment carried out with Mr. O’Neill.

  • Pupils in P1-3 will be supported by Mrs Tunney
  • Pupils in P4-7 will be supported by Mrs S O’Reilly.

This group will be supported individually via see- saw and/or google classrooms on a daily basis, by Mrs Tunney or Mrs S O’Reilly, in consultation with the pupil’s class teacher. They will receive a home –learning pack from school, containing the appropriate class work.

Parents of pupils in this grouping should contact Mr. O’Neill to confirm their child’s absence.

2.Pupils who are in a “Class bubble”, which has been sent home to self-isolate for      two weeks (10 school days), due to a positive Covid test result within the class. These class bubbles will work remotely with their own class teacher, via see-saw and/or google classroom. They will receive a home –learning pack from school, containing the appropriate class work.

We will notify class bubbles if they have to isolate, as soon as we are told by the Public Health Agency.


Children who miss school due to illness or appointments etc. will have to catch up on their work when they return to school, with the exception of the P7 transfer group, who will have the practice paper, GL answer sheet and answers emailed to them on Tuesdays and Thursdays for completion at home.

There are some useful learning links on the school website under home learning links page. Purple mash activities are also available.