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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood
P1 Enrolment for Sept 2025 - Open Morning on Wednesday 15th January @9.30am. Everyone is very welcome.
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The Ickabog by JK Rowling

26th May 2020

Dear Children,

J K Rowling has announced the launch of her latest new story book "The Ickabog" ( not related to H.Potter- sorry Harry fans ). It is free to download for the next six weeks and there is a lovely competition activity attached.

1. J K  Rowling Competition

You can enter the official competition being run by my publishers, for the chance to have your artwork included in a printed version of the book due out later this year. J.K Rowling will  be giving suggestions as to what to draw as we go along, but you should let your imagination run wild.

2. St.Patrick'sIckabog Competition Please complete the activity and we will have a Ickabog artwork display in school for September. 

3 website

Take care and happy reading

C O'Neill