Week 8 update
11th May 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. All staff members and their families are keeping well.
As our lockdown continues into week 8 , there a few updates to inform you about
- Purple Mash has stopped sending message alerts to each account. Therefore you are advised to login to your Purple mash account on a Monday to see updated information from the class teachers.
- Thank you to everyone ,who took part in the care homes project. Your work has been forwarded onto the project manager.
- The closing date for the virtual sports day is today, 11th ( see news section below ) May. Any queries please send to info@stpatsps.holywood.ni.sch.uk
C O'Neill
St Patrick's Primary School, Church View, Holywood BT18 9LN
Phone: 028 9042 4772