Access Keys:

St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

P1 Admissions, September 2025


P1 Admissions  for September 2025- Our menu for 2025/26 includes:-

We would have a preference to offer personal appointments for each family interested in enrolling at St.Patricks.

1.Personal appointments and tour of the school, with Mr.O'Neill, Principal, from Monday 18th November 2024 to 29th January 2025.

2. School Opening Morning - Wednesday 15th January 2025 9:30 - 10:45am

3. Please visit this link to view our power point and video presentations for our open enrolment processes for P1.



The EA Admissions Portal will open in January 2025

3. School prospectus 

Please link into our school prospectus  :-

4. Admissions criteria 

Our Admissions criteria for September 2024/25 is attached below.

6. Additional Information Parish Boundary Map link

Online portal 

The Education Authority deal with the application process using an online portal. 


Admissions Helpdesk Tel: 028 9598 5595
