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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood


Communication Strategy

For  Parents &Stakeholders

Endorsed by BOG on 18/10/2022

Communication Statement:


Open and effective communication is vital to the health and wellbeing of the School community. Effective communication encompasses the exchange of ideas, where people feel they have been heard and their opinions valued, and where information is clear and accurate. All communication needs to be timely, relevant, accurate, well targeted, well delivered, clear and concise, open honest and frank, reciprocal and interactive.

This statement outlines how the implementation of communication strategies enhances the quality of School community through:

  • Providing a framework for effective communication.
  • Promoting understanding and co-operative teamwork between the school, parents/ guardians and pupils.
  • Promoting active participation of the whole school community in effective communication
  • Contributing to the best learning outcomes for pupils
  • Ensuring principles of effective communication are displayed by staff in their work in the school
  • Collective understanding that parents/guardians, pupils and staff have a common goal.


  1. To improve the quality of service given to pupils, parents, families and community by ensuring that effective communication and consultation takes place between the school, parents, pupils and other stakeholders.
  2. To improve the quality of service by ensuring robust processes for consultation between the school, parents and pupils on key service areas.
  3. To be effective, communication between staff and parents remains polite and professional.

Communication Tools

School Communicating with Parents & Stakeholders

(a) Teacher to Parent - this will normally be via the SEE- SAW App

(b) School Principal to Parents – will normally be via email or NI School app/ School website

(c) Emergency or Short Notice announcements will be via the Teacher 2 parent Text Service e.g Emergency school closure, after school club cancelled due to absence. All parents/guardians are asked to keep the school up to date with any changes to a mobile or email address.

(d) Provision of all school policies are on the school website and email. Written copies available on request. P1 parents will receive a copy of the school’s child protection policy.

(e) SEN documents e.g Pre- Code and IEPS will be issued via email, parents will need to verify that the document has been received. Parents are welcome to arrange a meeting with the class teacher to discuss.

(f) A half term newsletter will be issued with key information surrounding school events and news. This will be emailed to parents and will be published on the school website.

(g) It is recommended that all Parents download the google calendar link from the school website page - this will ping all school events to your mobile device.

Parents Communicating with Staff

  • Learning & Curriculum issues – e.g., forgot a homework should be addressed by

contacting the class teacher, parents should ring School Reception on 028 90 424 772 or send an email to

Alternatively, a note to the class teacher can suffice.

  • Safeguarding – please ask to speak directly to Mr Sherlock, our Safeguarding Designated Teacher. In his absence, Mrs Tunney or Mr.O'Neill will offer advice.

Please check the school website for all safeguarding procedures.

(c) Reporting an illness - Parents should ring School Reception on 028 90 424 772 or send an email to

(d) General enquiries - Parents should ring School Reception on 028 90 424 772 or send an email to

  • Our aim will always be to return a telephone call to a parent within 24 hours.
  • Return calls may be made by someone other than the person to whom the original call was made, should it be felt that this is more appropriate.


Key Points


1 The initial point of contact should the with the class teacher.

2 At initial point of contact can you give a brief outline of what your query is about so that it can be dealt with efficiently and effectively.

  1. Effective telephone communication can be a problem in school, where teachers are teaching full-time or taking after school clubs.

Parents may be disappointed or frustrated if they feel that a message does not receive an immediate reply, when in fact there has been no available opportunity for the member of staff to reach a telephone or return a call. Be assured, a member of staff will deal with your request as soon as possible.


See-Saw Communication Tool

The teaching staff will continue to use the SEE- SAW but in a reduced capacity, staff will continue to send out information regarding their class, class activities, samples of class work.

This will be a one-way flow of information (Teacher to Parent only). This is to encourage the more established interactions between staff and parents.

Emails to will also receive a personal response.