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St Patrick's Primary School Primary School, Holywood

Covid 19 closure.

20th Mar 2020

Dear Parents (and pupils),

Regrettably we have had to close our doors to most pupils. We do so with heavy hearts... but we want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils and staff.

P5 children received a home learning pack on Monday 16th March. This is to be commenced upon notification of school closure.(i.e. today!) Please note that this work is not to be sent into school. Parents should mark work where possible. Don't be too hard on yourselves!!:-)

To provide a greater variety of learning experiences, however, I have set a number of tasks on Purple Mash. Each child has their own login and password details, so these should be easy to access. I have tried to make them as fun and interactive as possible.... any problems at all, please let me know. I'm here to help and support you.

Let's hope I see you all sooner rather than later... every best wish to you and your families. Keep well and safe.


Catherine Mc Quaid.